Buddha nature in
cursive script
9″ x 28″
23 x 72 cm
This calligraphy expresses the essence of the Buddhist view, the Buddha nature, the potential for enlightenment present within all of us.
This teaching is one of the greatest revelations in my life and one of the most inspiring messages to perform in a calligraphic way.
I wrote this work after the example of the 18th century Zen master-monk and painter Sengai Gibon.
The text says:
shujo shinchu shobutsu masa ni genzu beshi.
English rendering:
In the heart of all sentient beings all Buddhas naturally manifest.
For me it means:
In the heart of all sentient beings the Buddha nature is ever present.
The kanji are written in a very dynamic spirit, loosing their rigid form and merging with a spacious language. In this work the art of brush calligraphy and abstract art join together.
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